How to grow avocados, step-by-step and in an easy way


After this period of time, the roots will continue to grow and branch out until a small sprout emerges at the top.
When the sprout is 10-15 centimetres long, cut it off halfway up to stimulate further growth. When it is 15 centimetres tall again, it is ready to be buried in a pot of humus-rich soil, leaving the top of the seed slightly uncovered – never forget to put it in a very sunny spot!
On the other hand, you should make sure to water your avocado frequently, so that the soil is always moist. But don’t overdo it. If yellowing leaves appear, it is a sign that you are giving them too much water.
When you see that the shoot is already thirty centimetres long, it is time to prune the leaves to stimulate the growth of thick foliage. Repeat the operation when it has reached this height again.
In hot weather, you can leave your avocado outdoors, but during cold spells place it in a place in the house where it will stay warm.
Planting avocados is really easy, so by having your own avocado plant, you can have guacamole or any other recipe made with avocados all year round. We recommend this one, an avocado tart that is delicious.