The recipe for the French dessert with milk and honey: simple, delicious and suitable for the diet



  1. Preparing the apples: Start by peeling and cutting the apples into cubes or thin slices, depending on your preference. Set them aside for now.
  2. Prepare the apple sauce: In a non-stick pan, cook the apples with a teaspoon of sugar and a pinch of cinnamon until they become tender and release their juices. Mash the apples with a fork to create a thick, aromatic sauce.
  3. Prepare the dough: In a bowl, mix the flour with the eggs until you obtain a smooth consistency. Add the oil and milk, continuing to mix until the mixture becomes smooth and without lumps.
  4. Combine apples and dough: Add the applesauce to the dough, stirring gently to ensure the ingredients blend perfectly. Combining the sweet apples with the dough will create a rich and flavorful base for your dessert.
  5. Bake in the oven: Pour the mixture into a previously oiled pan and bake at 180°C for approximately 25-30 minutes or until the surface is golden and the cake is cooked in the centre. Check the baking by inserting a toothpick: if it comes out clean, the dessert is ready.
  6. Serving and decorating: Once cooled, cut the dessert into portions and serve. You can decorate with additional apple slices, a light sprinkling of cinnamon or icing sugar for a final touch of elegance.

This French dessert , prepared with a few selected ingredients, demonstrates that cooking can be an art form accessible to all. A combination of apples, milk and a hint of cinnamon transforms common ingredients into a French delight that just about everyone will enjoy.