Moringa, Miraculous Plant Against Malnutrition?


Malnutrition is a global problem that affects millions of people, particularly in developing countries. The search for sustainable solutions to combat this scourge is essential, and among the many initiatives, moringa, a plant with exceptional nutritional properties, is attracting more and more attention. In this article, we will explore the potential of moringa as a miraculous herb against malnutrition. Moringa: a plant with multiple benefits Moringa oleifera, commonly called moringa, is a tree native to South Asia, but it also grows in many tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Moringa is often nicknamed “the miracle tree” because of its richness in nutrients and its multiple health benefits. An exceptional source of nutrients Moringa is a veritable mine of essential nutrients. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins, antioxidants and amino acids. For example, it contains high amounts of vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, potassium and iron. In fact, moringa contains more vitamin C than oranges, more calcium than milk, more potassium than bananas, and more iron than spinach. This exceptional nutritional composition makes it a valuable food to combat malnutrition, particularly among populations with limited access to a balanced diet. An ideal food supplement In addition to its many nutrients, moringa also has medicinal properties.


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