How to eliminate humidity and mold with a simple and effective remedy?


The presence of mold on our walls is a guarantee of unhealthy humid ambient air. A repulsive state of affairs that it is up to us to resolve as quickly as possible. That is how.

To fight against humidity   and enjoy a pleasant environment  , we offer you effective and ecological advice.

How to clean mold from walls

Before undertaking mold cleaning, if the problem is especially important, it is preferable to seek the experience of a professional. And for good reason, mold can be responsible for health problems, including allergies. If the area to be treated is not that large, be sure to protect yourself with   gloves, goggles, and a mask.

Prepare a solution of water and white vinegar.

Mix one part white vinegar with three parts water, then scrub the blackened area with the solution using   a stiff-bristled brush  . Then rinse with a damp cloth and let dry.

Alternatively, you can prepare   a spray of water and white vinegar   to spray on the wall and leave it overnight. The next day, scrub it with a damp sponge before drying the wall with a dry cloth.

ventilate the house

One of the best reflexes to adopt is to ventilate your house well. Good ventilation will help   evacuate all the humidity resulting from your daily activities   and that contributes to the formation of mold on your walls. That is why it is important to ventilate the house simply by opening the windows without having to invest in a dehumidifier. However, the latter is still practical in this type of case.

Also check for the presence of microscopic fungi around the window frames or ceiling of your bathroom. Phenomena caused   by water vapor that has not been able to be evacuated.


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