Dirty oven tray? With this tip, it will be like new!


  • You can safely  use  vinegar to clean a baking sheet . Using this product is very simple, just take a  spray bottle  and fill it  with one part vinegar  and  three parts water . After that, simply spray the solution into the pan and let it sit for  15-20 minutes . Once the necessary time has elapsed, use a sponge to clean thoroughly.
    • Baking soda and vinegar.

    It is good to know that  vinegar  can also be used to clean a  burnt baking sheet , you just need to add a  little baking soda . To make this great mixture, you need to pour 3 tablespoons of vinegar, 10 tablespoons of  baking soda and 4 tablespoons of  hot water  into a bowl . To create a mixture with a paste consistency, add  the vinegar little by little  to avoid foaming. If the mixture doesn’t seem very creamy, just add more baking soda and that’s it. Once the dough is ready, spread it on the baking tray, taking care to do it especially on the dirtiest parts, and let it  sit  for a few hours. After that, everything will be removed by washing with water and a sponge.

    • Lemon.

    If, on the other hand, the oven gives off a  bad smell , it is possible to remedy it with the use of  lemon . All you have to do is add  the water to the pan  and put the  lemon zest  and of course its  juice  inside. Then you can turn on the oven and let it “cook” for  20 or 30 minutes . Then just wash everything as usual.

    How to clean a glass pan that seems encrusted?

    Cleaning a  glass baking sheet  can also prove to be a difficult task, but with this tip the job will become much easier. Simply  put an old toothbrush in a solution of baking soda and water . Then you need to bring the  toothbrush into the pan and start cleaning with circular movements  in order to remove the burnt and greasy parts. After that, you have to let everything sit for  30 minutes  then get some  aluminum foil and rub it on the most encrusted parts . Finally, all you have to do is wash everything and the glass pan will be perfect.

    Cleaning the pan at this stage no longer has any secrets.