It’s time for spring cleaning, fresh air, fragrant and clean floors: with the mixture of tea and vinegar it will be a Donna Up game to have a fragrant and clean house.
Let it be said, the arrival of summer always brings a breath of fresh air. We get rid of bulky and heavy winter clothes and feel light, at the same time we make cabinets, shelves and drawers lighter. Let’s eliminate the superfluous to make way for the new! And we want fresh, crisp air to come into our homes to lift our spirits and increase our energies.
Like us, our furry friends also suffer from heat and change their coats. Little clouds like cotton balls swing carelessly and carelessly across our floors!
If, then, they are still puppies or if they are very old, they can also leak a few drops of urine, making the environment truly unlivable.
And yet, we love them so much that we can tolerate some small failures, even if we want to solve the problem as quickly as possible.
Well, there is a foolproof method to clean mirror surfaces and at the same time deter our four-legged friends from bad habits.
Curious to know? Keep vinegar and tea on hand.

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