Humidity in the house? With this remedy you eliminate and perfume the whole house!


Where to place the pots

To better counteract increased humidity in your home,    you can place your pots in different areas for best results. For example,    you can place them in the bathroom    , since it is one of the rooms in the house where humidity is most likely to form.

You can also place them in other rooms of the house, such as    the kitchen, living room or bedrooms.   In addition to being an excellent remedy against humidity, they are also useful for scenting environments and combating bad odors.

We recommend placing the pots in front of windows, especially at night, when humidity drops.   Anti-humidity pots are also great for your clothes    . You can place them next to dirty clothes to better dry all your clothes and bedding. In fact, they’re perfect for placing    next to the clothesline.