Once you discover what you can do with orange and lemon zest, you’ll never throw them away again!
Our planet needs our help! Too many chemical detergents, too much plastic, the Earth no longer breathes, suffocated by toxic waste. Each of us can, in our own way, limit the damage through personal ecological choices. Imagine if each housewife had different attitudes towards what products to purchase or made them themselves from scraps! The situation would immediately be reversed and we would enjoy a better world to leave to our children!
Multinationals are preparing, well aware of the seriousness of the problem: detergents, cosmetics are turning towards green and ecology, not only from the internal organic composition, but also from the packaging, now made with materials biodegradable.
But we, in our small way, can avoid waste and create a winning mix with only natural and ecosystem-friendly ingredients, without sacrificing cleaning effectiveness!
Curious to know how to do this? To start!

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