Toilet seat, old and yellowed: here’s how to make it white again like before


Regular cleaning of the bathroom and toilet forms the basis of a hygiene standard in our home to maintain good health.

Yellowed tablet

Due to humidity, the bathroom is the place where the greatest risk of multiplication and growth of microorganisms and bacteria occurs. Moreover, it is easy for the tablet to turn gray, so let’s see how  to make it white again like before.

Toilets, what to do with an old and yellowed toilet seat

Although we pay enough attention to the  cleanliness of the toilet, the toilet seat is an individual part.

Due to the amount of microorganisms,  hard-to-reach  corners of bathrooms often take on a life of their own.


Additionally,  plastic seats can lose their white color  and turn yellow over time, worsening the overall appearance of the bathroom. Instead of replacing it, it is better to clean it and  keep it clean regularly.

The level of hygiene is a personal matter for each of us, but it is recommended to  clean the toilet seat every day.  Especially if there are several people living in a house.

The reason is simple, we touch the toilet seat very often. And since  toilet water can splash and dirty the seat , this increases the risk of contamination.

How to effectively clean your toilet seat

The white of the toilet seat  immediately gives us a clean impression, however, it ends up yellowing over time. The sun’s rays also tend to dull the toilet seat. The final feeling  is just a feeling of abandonment and dirt

An alternative for cleaning is, of course, that of  chemical products,  from which you can choose those that respect the environment.

But there are other options as well, and it is easy  to find a number of practical helpers  in our home.


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