Washing machine filter: If you want to keep it in excellent condition, clean it like this!


Washing machine filter: If you want to keep it in excellent condition, clean it like this!

Buttons, paper, pins and if you have young children, even toys forgotten in the pockets of pants or aprons end up in the evacuation filter. This, in the long term, can clog it and cause damage.

To make it look new, unplug the appliance, locate its housing, place a container underneath to catch the water and if you can’t, place rags and towels on the floor to avoid flooding it.

Gently open the door and remove it.

Now clean it from larger objects and then soak it in a solution of vinegar and water, in equal amounts. Let it sit for at least 3 or 4 hours, then scrub it with an old toothbrush to remove any residue and rinse it.

You can also use baking soda. In this case, first make a paste: put a teaspoon in a bowl and add water to create a sort of gel. Soak the toothbrush and remove some quality, then rub the filter well to dissolve limescale and encrustations. Once done, prepare a basin with lukewarm water and 2 tablespoons of baking soda and let it soak for about 2 hours. Rinse thoroughly and replace it.

But first, clean its case too!

Open the door, take a microfiber cloth, dampen it in vinegar, wrap it around itself and place it inside. Swirl several times to collect all the accumulated dirt, then rinse it using the same method, but a cloth simply wet with water, finally dry it with a cloth.

At this point, all you have to do is reassemble it: reinsert the filter and screw it tightly, making sure that the joint is correctly positioned to avoid flooding the house. Close the door and remember to do it at least once a year.

The proper functioning of the washing machine depends on it!