Clean and very shiny floor, these two ingredients are enough: you use them very often in the kitchen


A clean and very shiny floor, this is undoubtedly the dream of all women who wash it daily, using thousands of products, but who are still dissatisfied.

Dirt accumulates especially between the tile joints , in the bathroom and kitchen, which are the most used rooms. These floors are impossible to whiten.

The problem becomes even more serious when the tiles are light colors. In this case, cleaning the joints is really an almost impossible task.

Matte floor, blackened joints, how to fix it.
We try to postpone it forever, but sooner or later the time comes when we have to clean the joints well. Otherwise, you risk the dirt suddenly turning into mold, which is dangerous for both adults and children.

But don’t worry, there are remedies that allow you to clean the floor joints , using natural products and obviously with a little effort that can never be missing.

How to Whiten Floor Grout with Two Miracle Natural Products
Whitening tiles, blackened by time or continuous contact with water, and joints is very simple. There are two ingredients that everyone has at home, that we use in the kitchen and beyond, that promise incredible effects.

The two miracle ingredients are vinegar and lemon . Together they are a true wonder, just use half a cup of white vinegar, half a squeezed lemon, 200 grams of baking soda and obviously 100 ml of water.

Mix all the ingredients in a container. After a few seconds you will be able to notice a chemical reaction: a foamy mixture will form and it will be that foam that gives unexpected results.
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