Dirty accessories, how to remove mold: here is the natural remedy


Dirty accessories, how to remove mold: here is the natural remedy
Remove mold and dirt from your windows, there is a very simple method that requires natural ingredients. This is what it is.

Whether old or new, windows and doors are extremely susceptible to mold and dirt . This happens because mold is a fungus that tends to proliferate in very humid places and often in contact with water. In fact, accessories often create condensation due to the temperature difference that occurs between the temperature outside and inside the house. A phenomenon that occurs mainly in the winter and rainy months. This mold formation is not only aesthetically unpleasant, but it can also harm the health of those who live with this fungus in the home. For this reason, its elimination and prevention is necessary.

To eliminate this problem you don’t need any complicated or expensive techniques, just follow our advice and our short guide on how to get rid of mold. Let’s see together all the dynamics that give rise to the formation of the fungus and how to put an end to its appearance.

Mold around window frames: this is why it arises
The main cause of mold is condensation . We can define condensation as a very thin layer of water that covers the windows when cold air and warm air come into contact. The same thing, if you think about it, happens when we take a glass bottle out of the refrigerator: that halo of humidity is created on the surface of the bottle. Exactly the same thing happens with the glass in our windows: it is very cold outside, it is hot inside. The windows will begin to fill with condensation. There is a simple way to prevent its formation and the solution will surprise you .

If we want to definitively eliminate the creation of condensation, we must say goodbye to thermal bridges . Not everyone will know what thermal bridges are, we will explain it to you. Thermal bridges are provided by the elements that make up our window, such as the frame (iron frame) or the marble sills under the window frame. In virtually every Italian house there is a marble sill at the base of the window. You have surely noticed that this marble slab is always cold, and this happens precisely because it acts as a bridge, taking the outside temperature and bringing it inside.
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