Dirty accessories, how to remove mold: here is the natural remedy


This is what causes a thermal bridge: it brings the outside temperature inside the house and causes condensation to form on the window glass. Mold comes to life precisely from these condensations, and it occurs especially if we do not ventilate the house well. Therefore we can say that if there are no thermal bridges, mold will not be created. This is the way to prevent it: eliminate thermal bridges.

But eliminating thermal bridges means carrying out enormous work at home, tearing down marble, replacing frames. If you can’t remove them, how can you fix the mold problem? Below we show you a very simple method.

Eliminate condensation and mold from your windows: here is the natural remedy
If you are not in the best moment to carry out renovation works on the facilities, you can resort to this temporary solution. It may happen that you do not have an adequate period of time to dedicate yourself to certain jobs at home, both from a financial point of view and from the point of view of the time available. For these understandable reasons, we offer you a very effective solution that will free you from the problem for a long period of time. With this remedy you can have peace of mind for a long time and free yourself from dangerous mold.

What you need is to equip yourself with a nice pair of latex gloves, a sponge, and two natural ingredients that always turn out to be miraculous: white wine vinegar and baking soda . These are two natural ingredients that have notable whitening and disinfecting properties: with their use, mold will disappear.

The procedure consists of two steps: the first is to spray the vinegar on the areas infested with mold and dirt and leave it to act for a few minutes. Then spread some baking soda on a clean, damp cloth and rub gently on the affected areas. You will see how all the dirt and mold will slide under the cloth, leaving the area perfectly white and disinfected. From now on with this method you can rest easy and take some time before the renovation.