Goodbye yellow streaks from the toilet, detergents do not solve anything: only in this way will the problem be eliminated


The combination of these two, which are excellent allies in household chores, will make the yellow streaks disappear and you will have a toilet like new. What you want to do is sprinkle the inside walls of the toilet with baking soda and then sprinkle some vinegar on top. Leave it on overnight for both to take effect and then scrub well with the toilet brush.

Other methods to clean the toilet and in particular the yellow streaks.
But vinegar and baking soda are not the only method, since other substances that act by eliminating the unsightly yellow streaks from the toilet can also be used. Here we leave you some remedies always with products that are found at home and that do not use the classic supermarket products:

Citric acid : just prepare a solution of 150 g of citric acid and 1 L of very hot water. Let it dissolve well without burning and then transfer the solution to a spray bottle. The heat of the water will activate the acid and its functions. And by spraying it on the streaks and letting it sit for a few hours, you will see that after rubbing with a brush there will no longer be any yellow streaks left. However, it is important not to use this method on marble and natural stone.
Lemon and Vinegar : This is a lighter and less dangerous combination than citric acid. Simply pour 2 glasses of vinegar and the juice of two lemons into a spray bottle. Then spray on the strips and leave it to act overnight. Then scrub with a toilet brush and rinse. The stains will no longer be there. However, it is important not to use this method on marble and natural stone.
Salt : just sprinkle a little coarse salt on the strips, trying to make it stick. Then leave it on overnight, scrub with a bath brush and rinse. Salt will counteract the hardness of the water and is in fact an excellent ally against limescale even in the washing machine or dishwasher.
Hydrogen peroxide : the latter can be used alone or with baking soda for greater action. Simply pour baking soda over the yellow toilet strips and then pour 3% hydrogen peroxide over them. A foam will be created that you will then rub with the brush. Hydrogen peroxide is excellent for whitening and combined with baking soda the result is guaranteed.