Laurel in the washing machine, the miraculous ingredient for your colorful clothes


Laurel in the washing machine, the miraculous ingredient for your colorful clothes
How to restore bright color to clothes that have lost color? Here is the simple and natural remedy that will save your clothes.

It often happens that you have clothes in excellent condition but, due to incorrect washing or drying in the sun, they may have lost their beautiful bright color. If they are in good condition, throwing them away would be a shame. But how can we restore its former bright color without resorting to fabric dyes? Simple, with bay leaves.

Laurel against faded fabrics
Many of the most well-known and used home remedies include the use of bay leaf, among other ingredients. A very old plant, already used in the time of ancient Greece, with a thousand properties and a thousand uses, widely used especially in the kitchen but which also lends itself very well to other functions. Among these is the use of bay leaves in laundry .

Its properties allow, with a few leaves, to disinfect clothing, eliminate the most stubborn odors and, naturally, revive the colors of fabrics.

Our grandmothers have passed on to us many home methods, known as “grandmother’s remedies.” Among these, there are some that allow you to take care of your clothes in the best way and with ingredients available to everyone. While more attention is always paid to darker garments to prevent them from fading, the same attention should be given to colored garments, which can lose the brightness of their colors over time.

The reasons for the loss of color in fabrics can be different , starting with the temperature of the water, perhaps too hot, frequent washing, the use of too aggressive detergents or simply drying in the sun. Despite the damage, it can still be remedied without resorting to fabric dyes, which would be useless in the case of garments with textures or patterns.
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