Laurel in the washing machine, the miraculous ingredient for your colorful clothes


How to use bay leaf on machine washable clothing
Instead of throwing away clothes that have lost their original color, you can give them new life by restoring their shine with bay leaves. Bay leaves are, to say the least, very useful for returning clothes to their original color . They can be used in different ways, some people put the leaves directly into the basket, while others boil them to obtain a decoction. The decoction itself turns out to be the most effective method for discolored clothes .

Preparing it is very simple and the ingredients are easily available, probably present in most homes. To make the colors of your clothes shine again, you need some bay leaves (about ten should be enough), a little water and a little baking soda .

The process is easy to do. In fact, all you have to do is fill a saucepan with water to which you will add the bay leaves and 4 tablespoons of baking soda. Once all the ingredients have been added, it is time to put the saucepan on the heat and wait for the water to boil .
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