Put 1 bay leaf in your shoes, guaranteed results if you do it the night before


Laurel, why put leaves on the soles of your shoes?
We are all aware that after a few days of using shoes, they no longer have the smell that distinguishes them, but instead absorb the smell that our feet have.

The type of shoe and the sole also have their value in terms of “foot odors” and not only the degree of hygiene.

On the soles of the feet there are sweat glands that, with their function of eliminating waste substances, can cause considerable discomfort if they function excessively or poorly.

On the other hand, our feet have the important function of making us maintain an upright position and support our step, so it is good to take good care of them, including our footwear.

A good shoe should allow the foot to move correctly and allow the feet to breathe . For this reason, if our footwear has taken on a malicious odor, the trick of introducing bay leaves into the footwear helps us eliminate unpleasant odors.

Very simple to do , just put some bay leaves in each shoe at night and leave them on all night, it works for any shoe from leather to sneakers (accused of becoming more fragrant than others), with which we go running and when our feet end up sweating.

Wearing shoes without socks increases the possibility of them absorbing the odor of our sweaty feet, so an excellent solution is to put bay leaves on the soles of our shoes.