Toilet paper soaked in vinegar in the toilet, leave it overnight and admire the results.


Putting toilet paper soaked in vinegar in the toilet is a practice that many are adopting to naturally solve a problem common to many. Read on to understand what it is.

Toilet paper and vinegar can be a perfect, almost magical combination to remove dirt and limescale.

Keeping the spaces in our home clean generates a pleasant feeling that is not only reflected in our health but also in that of all those who live with us.

Cleaning in the house and bathroom.
Several studies have shown that the place most likely to have bacteria, both on the floor and in the air, is the bathroom, especially the toilet. Therefore, it is vitally important to keep it as clean as possible to avoid diseases.

Generally, when cleaning the toilet you should wear gloves to protect your hands. These should only be used to clean these locations and should not be used in other areas. To diversify them, you can buy them in different colors so as not to confuse them.

Normally you start cleaning the toilet starting from the outside, using a sponge and warm water as it removes dirt better.

Then continue applying disinfectant or alternatively chlorine. When using these products inside the toilet, you can use a toothbrush to scrub the areas well . This will help remove stains more easily.
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