12 Houseplants That Clean The Air And Are Almost Impossible To Kill


Why should you be concerned about air pollution? You could go days without food and hours without water, but you would last only a few minutes without air! On average, each of us breathes over 3,000 gallons of air each day. So, you must have clean air to live healthy.

With all the chemicals we use and eat, it probably isn’t hard to believe that the air inside our houses and premises is more polluted than the air outside. But it does not have to be so since you can easily and naturally purify the air inside your home!

According to the NASA studies, the following plants clean indoor air very well:

1.Epipremnum aureum

Effectively purifies the air of benzene. Its broad leaves help to absorb a large amount of pollutants. It is an easily grown plant that does not require any special conditions, making it a good choice for decoration and air-cleaning in many homes.

2. Chlorophytum comosum

Called the spider plant, airplane plant or hen-and-chickens –  is a flowering perennial herb. It is an attractive plant that also makes a wonderful air-cleaner. It’s known for absorption of gas emissions! Spider plants are incredibly easy to grow, so if you are a beginner in gardening, this is a great start for you. With lots of rich foliage and tiny white flowers, the spider plant neutralizes benzene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and xylene-a solvent used in the leather, rubber and printing industries.

3. Hedera helix (common ivy, English ivy)

Works amazingly when it comes to purifying the air you breathe. It holds a natural ability to filter airborne pollutants including benzene, formaldehyde, xylene and toluene.

4. Aloe vera

Is an easy-to-grow, sun-loving succulent. It helps clear formaldehyde and benzene from the air, which can be a byproduct of chemical-based household cleaners, paints, etc.
Aloe is a smart choice for your sunny kitchen window sill or bay window. Beyond its air-clearing abilities, the gel inside an aloe plant can heal cuts and burns.

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