Homemade recipe millefeuille


For the crust.
-1 puff pastry.
– 1 tablespoon of milk.
-1 teaspoon powdered sugar.
For the custard:
– 500 ml of milk.
– 1 vanilla bean.
– 150 ml caster sugar.
– 75 ml flour.
– 2 eggs.
For the whipped cream:
– 250 ml of whipped cream.
– 60 ml sugar.
– Vanilla extract.
For the icing:
– 250 ml icing sugar.
– 2-3 teaspoons of water.
– 30 g of chocolate.
For the puff pastry:
_ Line a baking sheet with parchment paper first.
_ Put your puff pastry in a 40 x 20 cm wide tin. Add your dough to the baking sheet and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
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