How to prune zucchini in the garden to get a bountiful harvest: the infallible method of farmers


It’s not enough to give our plants water and sun: we also have to do our part by using tricks and substances that don’t occur in nature. The best way to promote the growth of our plants is with the help of a fertilizer, preferably natural. You should stay away from the chemical agents that are available in many stores: they can be toxic and ineffective. In addition, there are secrets that few know and are just manual tricks . In this way, farmers favor the birth and growth of zucchini.

Farmer’s Trick: How to Prune Zucchini Plants
This method is very easy if we don’t have much space in the garden or we want to make better use of it . Zucchini is a vegetable that comes from a very voluminous plant with showy leaves. We must try as much as possible to remove the largest and most annoying branches and prune them : this will in no way affect the correct growth of the zucchini. In fact, they are very large stems that make our gardening and also trying to care for the zucchini a bit unpleasant.
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