How to prune zucchini in the garden to get a bountiful harvest: the infallible method of farmers


These leaves are so large that they consume all the plant resources in the soil . Therefore, we can safely say that they are completely useless and hinder the nutrition of zucchini . We must continue cutting them paying attention to the stem. Instead, it makes sense to leave the new leaves for a while. The new ones are easy to spot: they are a much brighter green color than the old ones . By ridding the plant of all that foliage, we make it healthier. The result will be an unprecedented proliferation of zucchini: thanks to the space available, many more will grow .

Zucchini, how to care for them
After carrying out this process, it is recommended to hang the zucchini plant on an external support . It is a very simple procedure that you are surely familiar with. Simply insert a wooden stick into the ground a few inches from the plant. Using a rope we connect the main stem of the plant to the wooden stick: in this way it grows straight and vertically and there is no more wasted space. In addition, the zucchini have the opportunity to grow better and will grow many more . Seeing is believing !