7 easy tricks to warm up your bedroom in no time!


Insulate windows
If you touch a window pane in winter, you quickly notice that it is ice cold. In order to be able to warm up the room more quickly, you can also help a little in this area by insulating the windows. Don't worry, you don't have to install new windows or improve the windows. Thick curtains in front of the windows already serve as thermal insulation. An insulating film on the windows can also be very helpful.
the carpet insulates the floor
As with the windows, you can also insulate the floor with thick materials. In this way, less heat is lost through the floor, which is also pleasant for the feet.
good ventilation is important
Despite the heat period, you shouldn't miss out on ventilation. You have to do this correctly, not only to renew the air, but also to prevent the heat from escaping through the window. In winter it is advisable to ventilate intermittently or crosswise. In this way, the air can be exchanged quickly without the rooms cooling down. However, if you leave the windows tilted, energy is lost, which increases heating costs. In addition, the room air is only renewed slowly.