Turmeric Honey: Doctors’ Favorite Natural Antibiotic


Research shows that this vital substance has a positive influence on DNA, cell survival and inflammatory molecules. It also has the ability to reduce the symptoms of osteoarthritis and improve brain function.
The benefits of honey:
Honey is known for its miraculous healing properties; experts say it can prevent cancer and heart disease, reduce ulcers, relieve digestive problems, relieve coughs and sore throats, and improve athletic performance. What makes honey antimicrobial? Most bees deposit hydrogen peroxide in honey by synthesizing pollen from flowers. This would explain honey’s ancient role in speeding wound healing and treating stomach problems. In fact, modern science has proven the effectiveness of honey in treating ulcers, burns, skin wounds and inflammation. It is known that honey can even heal wounds that do not respond to antibiotics, but care must be taken that the honey is pure and free of impurities.

Science has also found that darker, more concentrated honey may be more effective, and that the type of plants from which bees produce it affects its antibacterial properties.

However, we must be very careful: honey should never be given to children under one year of age, as the digestive system of newborns is not able to process the impurities contained in honey, such as spores, which can cause potentially lethal poisoning.

In this article we offer you a recipe based on turmeric and honey, two powerful products whose effectiveness is similar to that of an antibiotic.

Here’s how to prepare a natural antibiotic with turmeric and honey;
1 tablespoon of turmeric
100 grams of organic honey
Place the ingredients in a jar and mix well, store this remedy away from humidity at room temperature.

For example, if you suffer from the flu, take half a spoonful of this antibiotic every hour. The next day, take the same amount but every 2 hours. On the third day, take the same dose three times a day. Before swallowing, be sure to dissolve the mixture in your mouth. Don’t hesitate to add it to your everyday cup of tea or hot herbal tea. It is therefore important to note that for the treatment of respiratory diseases it is recommended to take 3 tablespoons per day for a whole week.

Attention :
This remedy should be avoided if you suffer from gallbladder disease, as turmeric can cause the gallbladder to contract