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Toss the rice with the salt.
Here, we'll demonstrate the process for you.
Gather your paper and coins, and then write your names on them. One white piece of paper will have your names written five times.
You need a bottle or other glassware. After that, slip the piece of paper with your name on it inside the glass container.
After that, put your currency inside the glass container.
The next step is to fill the glass bottle halfway with sea salt, as instructed. Next, when you've added all of the sea salt to your glass container, it's time to add the rice. Now your magic is prepared and ready to be cast.
At midnight, you must close your eyes in order to cast the magic that will grant your wishes. Things will begin to change for the better financially if you ask for them. You will be able to accomplish all your goals and more with the help of this spell. Both before bed and upon waking are suitable times for this.
What to do next.
While stating aloud, you are to begin shaking this glass container.
Lotto, lotto, lotto. I beg you to enter my life and provide all my wants; I've already called you three times.
You proceed to skate on the glass bottle while repeating your names "Sandra Sandra Sandra" three times.
Say "Abundance" five more times while shaking the bottle. No matter where I go, plenty follows. I aspire to amass vast wealth and success.
When you're ready, bring this glass bottle inside your home and go wherever the wind blows. Just shake it before bed and again after you've fallen asleep.
Just how many days are you able to maintain this? You are free to continue casting this sort of charm until you reach a point where you feel financially secure. After you take out the gold coin, you can either discard the components or save the glass container. If you feel that your financial situation is becoming worse, you can cast this spell again at a later time, and money will stick with you for a long time.