Towels get softer, whites become brighter, and laundry smells nicer when you use vinegar.


2. Vinegar for stain removal: Apply vinegar straight to the problem and let it sit for a few minutes to remove stains from garments. After that, give it a good rinsing with some warm water.

A solution of equal parts warm water and vinegar can be used to bleach linens and towels. After a few minutes of soaking, wash with cold water and vinegar.

3. Fabric softener made of vinegar

One great alternative to commercial fabric softeners is white vinegar. All you have to do to utilize it is follow these easy instructions.

Combine two parts water with one part white vinegar. After submerging the garments for a minimum of 20 minutes, give them a good rinsing in lukewarm water.

4. Preserve the hues

Protecting the colors of clothes, particularly whites, is a breeze with vinegar. Combine white vinegar and water in proportional measures. Rinse off the clothes after applying the solution and waiting a few minutes.

To wash whites, just add vinegar to the designated fabric softener basket.