Relieve heavy legs in 7 tips


For office work, get up occasionally and walk around. This is also possible during a phone call. And in the office? “Continuously swing your feet and toes back and forth,” advises Leila Bruno. And: Draw a roller coaster shape on the floor with the big toe of one foot, then do the same with the big toe of the other foot. Evening walks or not too demanding physical training also activate blood circulation and are therefore also beneficial for the legs and feet.

Tip #2: Ride a bike, but on your back
An exercise that doesn’t require much effort: lie on your back for a quiet minute and then ride a bike with your legs in the air. The exercise should last at least 30 seconds. Another option: Do a circle with your foot: lift one leg and rotate your foot out and in from the ankle.

Tip 3: Elevate your feet
If you elevate your legs, the accumulated fluid can drain easily. “The ideal is to alternate lifting and movement,” explains Leila Bruno. At night, it is advisable to place your legs a little higher than your head in bed.

Tip #4: Refresh your legs with a cold shower.
René Graber recommends a cold spray on your legs once or twice a day. This involves running cold water over the lower legs using a shower hose, first on the front right side up from the foot, then on the back right side up from the foot. Then it’s the other leg’s turn. According to Graber, people who have cold feet should first refrain from getting their leg wet. “In this case, go for a walk first, until your feet are warm.”

Tip 5: drink a lot

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