That’s why you hear your phone vibrating, but when you check: nothing happens


But don’t worry, the phenomenon is very widespread: the American study, conducted on a group of students, revealed that almost 90% of them feel these “phantom vibrations” at least once every two weeks. And, to further reassure you, know that these false alarms are neither painful nor embarrassing. Of course, this isn’t very encouraging either, but what do you want, new technologies are the evil of the century! For neurologist Evelyn Benavides, this phenomenon would especially affect anxious users, with a worried and always alert nature who react on the fly. Quite the opposite of carefree, distracted and casual people. “   Cell phones often   play tricks on us.   If we understand someone’s call with concern, we will unconsciously have the strange sensation that the cell phone is vibrating or ringing, even if it does not. This anticipation happens in our brain. It happens because he is careful and waits for something to happen  ,” she explained to the La Tercera portal.

How to remove these phantom vibrations ?

A telephone on the desk

For his part, Dr. Larry Rosen, professor at California State University, evokes a rather disconcerting term: “iDisorders”. He thus refers to the negative consequences of new technologies on our mental health: ”   We are now so anxious that we interpret a simple signal coming from the neurons located under our pockets as an incoming call, while it can only be a banal itch…  ” he He says.

Go ahead, you don’t need to be an expert to understand that it’s time to react and put the kibosh on our usage frequency. We definitely love our smartphone, but not so much that it drives us crazy! To avoid falling into the trap, a little disconnection would be welcome. So take a break and walk away from him. It’s very simple: just turn off the sound, leave it in your room during dinner, keep it in the drawer when you wash the dishes or when you watch your favorite series. You will also see that, even just for a moment, you will feel free and relieved!

Even better, Dr. Larry Rosen says that simply spending a few minutes away from your smartphone allows you to “reset” your brain. Can you imagine a little? By physically separating yourself from your motivations, it will force you to rest your mind and concentrate better. So, in fact, you will be more inclined to think before reacting. In other words, every time you feel a possible vibration, you will have the reflex to tell yourself that your cell phone is not nearby. And little by little, after a while, your brain will no longer focus on the vibrations and you will no longer feel them.

Another trick to do: get used to placing your smartphone facing upwards, both on the table and on the desk. So, taking a look at the screen from time to time will make you aware of its location and reduce your anxiety. From there, if a possible vibration pops up unexpectedly, you won’t feel the need to check your pockets. Since, of course, your cell phone is not there!