Why do you have to put lemon in the dishwasher?


· White wine vinegar

White vinegar is one of the best allies for naturally cleaning appliances and surfaces. Not only does it have a disinfectant effect, but it is also ideal for dissolving encrusted fat. You can use the natural product to clean the dishwasher every day. It is recommended to empty the dishwasher once a month. For a more thorough cleaning, simply pour a liter of white vinegar into the bottom of the device and run the entire cycle at the highest temperature. To enhance the disinfectant effect, you can add a glass of lemon juice. In this way, the dishwasher is degreased, disinfected, smells pleasant and the dishes shine!

· Natriumbicarbonat


Among the natural and eco-friendly ways to clean the dishwasher, using baking soda is ideal. For this reason we can add a little bicarbonate with each wash to increase the cleaning effect. To maintain the dishwasher, we can fill 100 grams and start an empty cycle. Grout can also be cleaned with a mixture of water and baking soda. This means there are no leftover food residues that could cause bad smells in the long term.