5 tips for whitening a yellowed bra


When it comes to lingerie, every woman has her own style based on her tastes and moods. Just think that women are largely spoiled with a very comprehensive choice of underwear, available in various shapes, materials and colors. Some focus on beautiful lace or satin suits, others seek the comfort of basic pieces, still others love bright patterns. However, unanimously, the white bra remains a must have in every woman’s wardrobe. The only big drawback is that it tends to get dirty quickly, to become grayish or to turn yellow. Fortunately, there are a few tricks to bring it back to its original luster!

Elegant and timeless, white lingerie is essential in the wardrobe. Regardless of the model or fabric, women love the softness and freshness of the white bra. Except that this key piece requires much more maintenance than other shades. In fact, it stains much more easily, especially under the effect of sweat, and quickly loses all its charm. That’s why it’s a good idea to alternate underwear.

What are the causes of yellowing of bras?

  • Sweat
  • Deodorant
  • Washing with other colors
  • Worn clothing that has rubbed
  • Sunlight
  • Do not wash bras regularly
Bra – source: spm

Has your bra turned yellow and lost its natural whiteness? Don’t worry, there is a way to solve it. Take a look at these intelligent techniques that will help him regain his shine and look new.

5 tips for whitening a yellowed bra

Council no. 1 – With water and salt

Salt is a precious natural ingredient for removing yellowish spots stubborn by sweat and dirt. Thanks to its cleaning and whitening action, it fixes the color and protects delicate fabrics.

How to use: Add 2 tablespoons of salt and 2 tablespoons of soda to one liter of cold water. Mix well to eliminate any lumps. Then dip the bra in this solution for 1-2 hours. Then, rinse it with cold water and wash it as usual. It will be as white as snow!

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