Discover the simple and effective tip to remove burnt oil from your oven!


After baking soda, salt and vinegar, how could we not also mention lemon , known for its degreasing and cleaning properties? In addition, it gives off an intoxicating scent that eliminates all bad smells from your oven!

Collect the juice from 3 lemons and pour it into a bowl. Then put it in the oven at 180° for about half an hour . Once the oven has cooled, remove the crusts softened by lemon juice with a cloth or scraper and rinse with a damp cloth.

You will notice that the heat released has softened the incrustations and you can quickly remove them. For less stubborn stains, you can also use half a cut lemon like a sponge and rub it directly onto the areas where the dirt is most visible.

Finally, rinse with lukewarm water and white vinegar to permanently remove the now softened incrustations .

Homemade oven degreaser
Finally, let’s look at how to make a homemade oven degreaser by combining several ingredients to make it more effective. Equip yourself with:

2 medium lemons

200 ml water
125 ml white alcohol vinegar
125g fine salt
25g pure Marseille soap flakes (optional)
First, cut the lemons into small pieces and place them in a bowl. Then add the water and salt and mix everything until a homogeneous mass is formed.
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