Gnats in the toilet, the powerful natural method to keep them away from the pipes


Natural methods to keep midges away from toilets
Our grandmothers would surely have an endless list of remedies for the problem of midges in the bathroom. Today we will see a natural and foolproof method to keep them away from our bathroom .

Keeping a clean bathroom and disinfecting it regularly will prevent gnats from easily finding a home. Pay particular attention to areas near drains, favored for nesting, and eliminate any residue of stagnant water, even plants present in the bathroom.

First of all, it is important to analyze the behavior of midges . This may sound absurd, but understanding how they move and where they concentrate most will help you understand the specific area in which they concentrate to nest and lay their eggs. Once you have identified the exact spot, you can proceed with two ingredients widely used in cleaning. You will need white vinegar and baking soda.

Vinegar and bicarbonate
The mixture of these two ingredients is already an excellent drain cleaner in itself, so using it never hurts, plus it will eliminate nests and eggs. In addition, being both excellent disinfectants and antiseptics, as well as foolproof odor traps, they will disturb the midges present in the environment, inviting them to move away .

How to Get Gnats Out of the Bathroom
How to proceed? It’s very simple, just take a cup, fill it with baking soda and pour it down the toilet . When the baking soda has reached the bottom of the toilet, fill the cup with vinegar and pour that in as well . At this stage, the meeting between the vinegar and the bicarbonate will trigger a foamy and effervescent reaction. Leave it to act for a few minutes then pour in about half a liter of very hot water .

Bicarbonate against midges
This is an operation that can be repeated several times a week, because it only has positive effects both for hygiene and for cleaning the pipes. You will see that, thanks to the reaction and the vapors released, you will begin to notice fewer and fewer midges , until you see them completely disappear.

In most cases, infestations are minimal and can be resolved with these simple at-home methods. If your situation is more serious, call on specialists to carry out a real disinfestation.