How to remove dirt and yellow stains from the toilet, the new infallible method


Dirty and yellowed toilet? With this new method you can forget about all this. Here’s what you need to make your toilet look like new in just a few minutes.

The bathroom is the room in the house that requires the most attention when cleaning. Bacteria and dirt are always present and must be fought. Remains of soap and the humidity present in the rest of the bathroom also affect the proliferation of bacteria. This is why cleaning is truly essential and should never be underestimated.

Even the toilet specifically needs a deep cleaning . Limescale, dirt and urine residues can cause bad odors which are very annoying. We will therefore see how to have a clean toilet by eliminating dirt and limescale without using chemical products found on the market.

here is the method to clean the toilet from dirt and limescale
here is the method to clean the toilet from dirt and limescale –
In fact we will create a mixture that can help you and is very effective. Below we will see what you will need but remember to get some rubber gloves to protect your hands from bacteria and the products we will use. So let’s see in detail how to clean the toilet.

Clean toilet with this method: it’s very simple
To clean the toilet with this method you will only need three products. The first is a long-handled brush then some 70% acetic acid and finally some kitchen soap . The union of the two products allows you to eliminate bad odors, solving the problem.

Acetic acid has a very unpleasant odor so be careful . This is usually known as acetate and is an organic chemical compound. It is used in the food industry as a preservative additive against fungi and bacteria. It is easily found on the market in stocked stores or online.


here's how to clean the toilet permanently

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