How to remove dirt and yellow stains from the toilet, the new infallible method


here’s how to clean the toilet permanently –
Dish soap, on the other hand, is often used to clean the toilet precisely because it eliminates bad odors. But not only because it also has a descaling and degreasing action so as to completely remove dirt. But let’s see in what doses to use these two products to clean the toilet.

To make this mixture, take a container and pour the entire bottle of acetic acid, about 1 L, and the dish soap into it . You will need about 15 tablespoons of the latter. Mix the two products well, also using the long-handled brush.

At this point the mixture is ready and you can go to the toilet to use it. However, before using the mixture you have composed, pour a bucket of water. Now the time has come to brush the mixture with the brush, rubbing well where the dirt in your toilet is concentrated . Then pour in the rest of the mixture.

Leave the mixture to act for about an hour and then use the toilet brush to clean and eliminate the last residues of dirt . At the end you will be able to flush the toilet and you will see that your toilet will be free from dirt, limescale and above all from bad smells. All you have to do is try this method too.