It’s surprising why they put all the citrus in the oven


In this way, the essential oils of the lemon slowly evaporate and spread not only in the device but in all rooms of the house, driving away the existing insects that hate the strong lemon scent.

For this reason, citrus fruits are considered an excellent repellent . The trick can easily be repeated several times a day or week, in short, whenever it is necessary.

Here’s how to keep insects away from windows and balconies
Lemon can also be combined with cloves , which are good at repelling flies and mosquitoes and can therefore be particularly useful in summer.

To achieve this result, cut the lemons in half, insert the cloves and then place them near the places where the insects come from, for example windows, balconies or the terrace. The scent of cloves and lemons has a deterrent effect and keeps insects away.

Alternatively, you can use other natural repellents such as lemongrass or lemon balm, grown both in the garden and in pots, which also keep insects away. You don’t need a green thumb to grow them, just a pinch of care and patience.

In this way we can achieve the same results as with chemicals, but harmful to our health and that of pets, spending much less, while making the window sills much more beautiful, welcoming, colorful and warmer.