The trick taught by an expert electrician to save a lot of money

So to proceed safely, just take the light bulb, unscrew it, then remove the glue that holds the “cap” of the light in place, which protects the LEDs. Once opened you will find 7 LEDs in front of you. To understand which one is faulty, just take a power cable and use it like pliers, then fold it on itself.

With the cable you touch all the LEDs, the faulty one is the one that makes contact so it turns on and off by itself. So remove the light bulb from its seat, so as not to take the power, and remove the faulty LED with suitable pliers. Then you take some steel wool which you can buy at any hardware store . If a piece comes off, use insulating tape to attach it in place of the LED. And here it is finished.

The procedure serves to isolate the LED contacts, which allows you to turn on the light and continue to use the bulb until it runs out, without risks of any kind.

Save money by using electricity correctly, here’s how
To save money at home, you must avoid turning on light bulbs when they are not needed, therefore only illuminate the rooms in which you spend many hours, when it gets dark and not before. Then avoid turning on household appliances during the most expensive hours of the day, reduce the use of what is considered useless.

For example, the dishwasher should only be turned on when fully loaded. If, however, there are few dishes to wash, it is advisable to proceed by hand. As far as household appliances are concerned, a secret that not everyone knows is that they should never be left on stand-by, because even if these are minor consumption items, you risk finding very heavy increases in your bill.