How to Grow Rosemary Quickly from a Sprig


Rosemary is one of the most used aromatic plants in the kitchen, but it also offers many health benefits and is an ideal ingredient for preparing infusions, oils and tinctures. Precisely because of its usefulness, rosemary is an ingredient that we should always have available at home.

What better way than to grow rosemary from a twig? We explain how to do it below. Reproducing rosemary is very simple and we can do it starting from a twig of this plant, a little water and a few very simple steps.Another of its advantages is that rosemary can also be reproduced by cuttings, that is, a strong and healthy fragment of a plant.

Carrying out this process at home is very simple and we explain it to you step by step:

Cut 15 centimeters diagonally from a sprig of rosemary and remove the leaves at its base.

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