Throw 1 pinch of cinnamon at the bottom – the trick that has been proven for decades.


This is why you should always sprinkle 1 pinch of cinnamon on the floor of your house, because what happens is really unexpected. We explain to you what properties cinnamon has and, above all, why it works if you also spread it on the floor of your home.

The properties of cinnamon
Cinnamon is a spice used in cooking for centuries and also has therapeutic properties that have positive effects on human health. Originally from Sri Lanka, it is extracted from the inner bark of the cinnamon tree and has the appearance of a thin, fragrant stick.

One of the main properties of cinnamon is the regulation of blood sugar levels. In fact, it is able to increase the body's sensitivity to insulin, which means that our body is able to better manage sugar and prevent blood sugar spikes that can be harmful to health.

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