7 Quick Tips to Keep Mosquitoes Away from Your Home


Mosquitoes, what a nuisance! Every year, these little creatures make life difficult for us. Stings, buzzing etc. They invade us and invite themselves with their share of hassles. Fortunately, their presence is not inevitable. It is possible to keep them away from the house without resorting to chemicals that are harmful to health and the environment.

Are you looking for natural and safe mosquito repellents? We have the solution. No more nights spent fighting their annoying sounds and soothing the itch they leave us as memories. If these critters show up, be prepared to keep them away from your home. Without resorting to industrial insecticides full of chemicals, it is possible to repel insects naturally without polluting the air you breathe. Discover in this article our selection of the best natural insect repellents to keep mosquitoes away.
To keep insects away, start from the outside

To keep mosquitoes and other harmful insects away, your first instinct should be to eliminate them outside your home. To do this, it is important to pay attention to stagnant water such as small basins or open tanks which must be emptied frequently. If you have ponds of water in your garden, place one or two goldfish there. The latter feed on mosquito larvae and can therefore slow down their proliferation. Another reflex to adopt? Place mosquito repellent plants in your garden. And for good reason, certain plants can effectively keep them away. Simply plant them on window sills, around your terrace or in your garden. The key is knowing how to place them in the right place.
What plants to fight against mosquitoes?

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