7 Quick Tips to Keep Mosquitoes Away from Your Home


As you will have understood, to effectively get rid of these pests, it is essential to start from the outside. For this, certain plants are very effective. Bonus: they also allow you to beautify your surface.
1. Lemongrass

Citronella is a very effective repellent in the fight against mosquitoes. The reason ? This plant gives off an odor that scares away these insects. And good news: you can easily grow lemongrass in your garden or on your balcony.
2. Basil

Less known than lemongrass, basil is no less effective. This plant is a natural, accessible and economical anti-mosquito solution. You can grow them in pots that you place in the balcony or around your terrace or plants in your garden. Another advantage? This plant is a skin repellent and a natural antiseptic that helps soothe itching in cases of cuts. Just take a few leaves and rub them on the area.
3. Geranium

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