7 Quick Tips to Keep Mosquitoes Away from Your Home


In addition to bringing color to our gardens, geranium is an effective mosquito repellent. To chase insects away from your house, plant them in your garden. The smell of this plant is very similar to lemongrass and also helps repel mosquitoes and other pests. You can also grow geraniums in pots and place them on the edges of the balcony or terrace for pleasant evenings outdoors without the risk of being stung.
4. Lavender

With its scent that smells like Provence, lavender not only gives off a pleasant smell but is also an unrivaled natural repellent. We love its smell, but mosquitoes hate it! In case of a mosquito bite, you can use lavender leaves as a topical treatment to soothe the itching.
5. Mint

A plant with many uses and benefits, mint is also a most effective mosquito repellent. Planted in a pot, it greatly keeps these pests away from your garden. In addition, mint also has a soothing effect in case of insect bites. Simply crush two or three mint leaves until you obtain a sort of paste then apply it locally to soothe the itching.

house and at a lower price. To do this, you will need a clean empty glass jar, a wick, a bain-marie container, wax and lemongrass essential oil. Start by cutting the wick to the length of your jar. To make it stick to the bottom, use a drop of wax that you will melt. Then heat around 200 g of wax flakes in your bain-marie container. When it is completely liquid, pour around twenty drops of lemongrass essential oil and stir. Pour your preparation into the jar, being careful not to burn yourself. You can light your candle when it has completely cooled.
6. Vinegar

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