Toilet paper is important and fundamental, so much so that it is one of the things that must not be missed in any home. Yet many people leave it in the refrigerator: This is why and why we should all do it.
Carta igienica in fridge
You can forget to buy everything from the supermarket, but never toilet paper. It is a must and a great discovery in the past, especially to facilitate personal hygiene and beyond. Lately, a lot of people have become accustomed to putting it in the refrigerator: This is why it saves minutes and why we should all do it.
Who has the HYGIENE PAPER?
It is a very interesting story, because since the dawn of time, man has always sought shelter for his needs and different ways to ensure his personal cleanliness. After holking a hole into a flat rock, the prehistoric man walked up to the stream: no scholar could discover what he was doing in winter, but he certainly used his imagination among the leaves and branches.
Carta igienica rotoli
The ancient Egyptians opted for sand, rich in perfumed oils, while the Arabs used their left hand (still considered impure) to wash. The first appearance of something resembling paper dates back to the 14th century in China, but it was only half a century later that Westerners began to do without leaves and use newsprint sheets.
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