Cherish the Cherries: A No-Sugar Winter Delight Recipe


Gathering Your Supplies: This no-fuss recipe focuses on simplicity and the natural sweetness of the cherries themselves. You’ll need:

Fresh cherries, pitted and washed

Jars with tight-fitting lids (no need for sterilization, but ensure they are clean and dry)

A small piece of cheesecloth and a rubber band or string (for each jar)

Water (enough to cover the cherries in the jars)

Preparation – As Easy as Pie: The process is straightforward, aiming to preserve the cherries as naturally as possible.

First, pit your cherries. While this might be the most time-consuming step, think of the sweet reward at the end.

Place the pitted cherries into your jars, leaving a little space at the top.

Pour fresh, clean water into each jar, ensuring the cherries are completely submerged. This step is crucial to prevent air from spoiling the fruit.

Cover the top of each jar with a piece of cheesecloth, securing it with a rubber band or string. This allows the cherries to breathe a bit and ferment slightly, enhancing their flavor.

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