Perfume your bathroom for 24 hours with this tip: you'll save money!


Take a roll of toilet paper,
Dip the tube in the baby oil of your choice
Place the toilet paper roll in your bathroom.
The toilet paper roll serves as a scent diffuser. You can even replace the baby oil with an essential oil of your choice. Here we go !

What are some other tips for scenting a bathroom?
To diffuse a pleasant scent in the bathroom, you can use the following tips:

Perfume the toilets with fabric softener
If your bathroom has a toilet, you can kill two birds with one stone and scent both the toilet and the bathroom. To do this, pour a scented fabric softener into the toilet flush tank. So, every time you flush, scented water enters the toilet bowl and perfumes your toilet and bathroom.

Use fragrant plants
Bathroom plants have several virtues. They not only absorb humidity and purify the ambient air, but can also perfume your bathroom if you opt for fragrant plants, for example aromatic plants like lavender or mint. You can also fill a vase with dried herbs or lavender branches, to decorate your bathroom and fill it with a pleasant scent that tickles your nostrils.

Bonus: you can add a few drops of essential oil of your choice to enhance the scent of the dried herbs.

Use an essential oil diffuser
This is a small device that transforms essential oil into droplets which are then diffused into the air to perfume it. You can place an essential oil diffuser in your bathroom to spread a pleasant scent. It is possible to use a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil, known to eliminate bad odors. However, be careful if you have pets, as some essential oils can be toxic to them. .

Use scented candles for the bathroom
Scented candles effectively scent the bathroom and create a relaxing atmosphere. They can eliminate bad odors while the candles burn. However, be sure to choose candles that pose no risk to your health. Opt for soy wax candles with natural cotton wicks. When it comes to perfumes, you are spoiled for choice. You can choose between cinnamon, eucalyptus or citrus scents like lemon or grapefruit. Note that scented candles mask the odors that bother you, but do not solve the problem at the source.

How to avoid bad smells in the bathroom?
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