Strawberry pie easy recipe


Strawberry pie is always a dessert that pleases everyone. This is an inratable recipe that will result in a strawberry pie worthy of that of a pastry chef, both in terms of appearance and taste.

As regards the choice of strawberries, I can only, of course, recommend strawberries for the season and of French origin. In terms of varieties for the most impatient you can use the Ciflorette that can be found from April on the stalls. It is elongated in shape and its color varies from orange to red brick. In the mouth its flesh is fine, juicy, rich in flavors and very sweet. Then there is the Gariguette, the strawberry star who is red vermillion, juicy and well melting.

Preparation: 15 min
Cooking: 20 min
Total time: 35 min

To make this recipe you will need the following ingredients:

Ingredients For 6 persons:

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