All the care to be applied to the phalanx, also called spider plant


Temperature and humidity

This plant prefers moderate temperatures and cannot tolerate excessive cold. Make sure you keep it away from cold drafts and maintain a constant temperature around 18-24°C. Good humidity is essential for phalanx, so spray the leaves regularly with water or place the plant on a tray filled with water and gravel to increase ambient humidity.


The phalanx loves moist but not too wet soil. Water it regularly during the warmer months, making sure the soil dries out slightly between waterings. During the winter, reduce the frequency of watering, but still make sure the soil does not dry out completely.


Fertilize the phalanx every 2-4 weeks during the spring and summer growing seasons with a balanced liquid fertilizer. Reduce fertilization during the fall and winter when the plant is dormant.

I repot

Repot the phalanx every 1-2 years in spring, using light, well-drained potting soil. If the plant outgrows its pot, you can divide and transplant its rhizomes to get new plants.

Benefit of phalanx
Air purification

One of the best-known benefits of phalanx is its ability to purify home air. Its leaves absorb harmful substances such as formaldehyde, benzene and xylene, common in many household products, thus improving the quality of the air we breathe.

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