How to improve laundry (washing machine) with aluminium balls


Step-by-step procedure:

Open your washing machine and place the clothes for washing, but upside down.
Place the soap and softener on the corresponding shelves.
Take the foil and make 4 balls of this paper the size of a tennis ball.
Place them in the washing machine.
Start the washing machine in the corresponding cycle
Perform the washing cycle normally and, once finished, spread your clothes.
You will now leave the door of your washing machine open for at least half an hour.
Aluminium balls reduce static electricity because they absorb the energy generated by the appliance and which damages clothing.
Why is it?

The electrical loads that the washing machines have at each wash are causing damage to your clothes. The inside of the washing machine has a sheet that covers its interior and these produce static electricity. If we add to this that when mixing different types of materials such as polyester and wool, because of their rubbing, they will generate electrons, so that when they are separated, they will inevitably damage the clothes. That is why aluminium balls are of great help.

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