Here’s how to make your floors shine with just one 100% natural ingredient


Let the cooking water cool so you can use it to wash the floors. After using it, wipe the floor with clean water and your floors will be clean and shiny! The starch contained in this tuber gives the potato a truly powerful stain-removing power on all surfaces. So all you have to do is heat up the potatoes you’re making for dinner and use the cooking water for household chores! This remedy is especially indicated for the treatment of marble surfaces.stains on the glass
stains on the glass
Potato cooking water: the best ally to say goodbye to stains and streaks on glasses.
But what if you wanted to remove those stains from glasses or cups? All you have to do is immerse the glasses in the potato cooking water for 30-35 minutes, then rinse everything in a bowl with water and lemon juice and dry well. .

It’s surprising how many solutions you can find with just one natural remedy, right? With this natural trick you will also have saved on the purchase of products that you can do without thanks to these unexpected tricks.