How to make orchids bloom all year round? Add a single ingredient to irrigation water


How to bloom again and allow a withered orchid to resprout?

Generally, orchids bloom   once a year  , mainly in spring. To promote growth, we recommend   completely cutting the stems that have produced flowers  once   flowering is complete  . Your plant will then be able to produce new stems and will be adorned with even prettier flowers than before!  This first bloom can last for weeks! 

To trigger a   second bloom   on the same stem, after the last wilted flower has fallen, follow this method:

  • Cut your stem above the second node.
  • Place your plant in a  cool location  . The ideal temperature should be around   15ºC.
  • And let your orchid rest in this room for  about twenty days, between 3 and 4 weeks.

You’ll see, your orchid will bloom again for the second time this year and new buds will appear!