Orchids how to grow them in water without roots: this way they will recover immediately


At this point, all you have to do is wait.  In the first 15 days, you will see very small bumps, which means that the method is working  . Within 3 to 4 months, you will begin to see roots of a few centimeters. Always remember to add water when it ends in the glass.

When the roots reach about 15 cm long, it is time to repot your orchid  . This orchid will have a hard time clinging to the ground, so we will use more products to plant it: clay pellets, pine bark and moss to speed up root formation.

We always take a plastic cup and cut the bottom as if it were a vase.  We add clay balls to the bottom that help drainage and then we add pine and moss  . At this point, spray the moss liberally with a spray and add the orchid. Finally, add more pine bark. This is where your orchid will be reborn.